Of Mortar and Folly

They swim in circles
Not just because they hunger
Nothing so simple as this
But rather in waiting
When I've shed my convictions
In the cold water
of uncertainty

They spread out in circles
Ripples like roadmaps
Pointing back to the center
Of our anxious fears
Like clouds of blood in water
Presage the coming feast
in certainty

Coleridge's postulate still stands true
The Center ~ Where ripples are born
Cannot hold, and Man
Unwilling to fail
And mixing the mortar of logic and reason
Treads water struggling
To shore the crumbling wall
Of his own convictions

They swim in vicious circles
For vanity's sake
Vicious uselessness
For all is vanity
There is no new thing under the sun
What has been shall be again
This laying hold on folly

Revised, and with many thanks to
Samuel Taylor Coleridege and Ecclesiastes:


..::Original Comments::..

I don't know, ELAshley, how far you've read my blog..... but if you ever get to go through most of them you'd know that I'd written 'bout exactly what you commented on my blog.
Posted by clown on 05/25/2006 08:34:54 AM

The day you realized the concept of vanity as along with Coleridge, it was new..... and everytime that you keep reliving it over and over again it is renewed. Whatever's new is not always different from the old..... maybe, a reason why we think of it as repetition.... even if we believe in 'The Concept of Eternal Return' every cycle of repetition is 'new'.... pessimism is not as hard as we believe it to be..... But if there were no crumbling walls there would be no need of convictions.
Posted by clown on 05/25/2006 08:45:38 AM