I thought, as you paused, sipping your tea
wet, red tongue, kissing the brim
of your porcelain cup. Your lips, how soft
~how we made our tongues to swim
I smiled at the mem'ry. You softly coughed
Last night! I in you, on the lip of your cup
Smiling, demure, lips a'touch your cup
making love to your honey and tea

Your cup and saucer chimed in duet. 'What?'
you asked, knowing yet wishing it said
How I loved our last loving; your soft warm skin
smouldering upon our mid-summers bed
and cursing the moment our day must begin
~How we relished the intimacy, and naked, lay
as first light touched the bed where we lay
And impatient with waiting, again you say, 'what?'

This is in progress, It is no where near complete. There is much much more to say about these two enjoying a cup outside a cafe in Paris. But the first two stanzas are finished. 

The rhyming scheme is as follows... A - b - c - b - c - D - D - A, wherein the first and last lines are repeated, as well as the last words of lines 6 & 7. These two stanzas took me about two and a half hours. As this springs from my unquestioning love of tea, the word 'tea' will find mention throughout. 

No title as of yet. That, I think, should wait. Often I'll name a poem before it's finished, only to discover the title no longer fits.

Here are links to other poems about tea and love...

The Zebra Tree
Un Peu Poésie Légère
Love in a Time For Tea
