Lithe and Grace

there were trees
in the fields of my optimism
tall and lithe in summer rains
pliant in winter gales
year after years of solitude standing
Graceful and tall to reach the heavens

there were trees

then came the famine years, tinder dry
the clarion of lightnings, and fire
sweeping them all away, pyres
in the cold heat of spent passions
cooling embers dying in anguish
dying slowly upon cold hearths

like the fields of my optimism
lying still ~ empty in a place
where once grew trees
...gone now

where optimism has fled
i should now be
for there is no hope without her
it is not trees that so lithely stood
tall and gracious
no tree ever trembled pliant
in the arms of my winter gales
there were trees, yes
but never did they comfort more than she
the year after years of solitude
never did they help me reach heavenward
graceful and tall

there were trees
but none of them her

so falls a soft shower after months of drought...