Winter II

Your winter has come now
Carrying word of you, the strength you showed
In the face of his visit and cold breath
Blowing and chilling you
He told me of the illnesses you bore
The pains you endured for his annal stay
He's come to visit once more, it seems
While leaving his closets full
On your corner of town

He will be with me a few weeks, he says
Though his work in your fair town is far from done
He says this sipping my coffee
Stripping his gloves and scarf
Warming his hands at my fire
A fire I laid for you in my heart
A fire he steals even now
And suddenly I realize, how I resent him!
And long for his departure!
His promise to share my love with you
Seems so empty now
What did he give you besides fever and pain?

Finish your coffee and leave, I say
You have long outstayed your welcome
I will leave when I am ready, he says with a cold smile
You will see her soon enough, but for now
He says, tapping the brim of his cup
With an ice bone finger
More coffee please
